Monday, 11 February 2019

An open letter to my 15 year old self

Dear 15 year old me.
Right now everything is very overwhelming. You're just starting to figure out who you are and what you want from life. I don't want to lie to you things get difficult. You'll get your heart broken several times, you'll become depressed, struggle with your own body image, your parents will split and it'll shatter everything you've ever known. You'll grow up quickly.  You'll cry yourself to sleep wondering why you're not like those other girls.
Oh it does get better though. You'll meet amazing people, you'll find at job that changes you forever, you'll find your strength and sweet heart you'll realise your worth.
Heres some advice: dont ever feel like you have to change yourself for a boy. You ARE pretty even though you dont feel it right now. Be kind to yourself. Get out in nature more you'll realise how important it really is. Don't let people bring you down. Your nanna will get her diagnosis soon and it'll break your heart knowing what will come in the end. Shes doing great now by the way, fiesty and amazing as ever. Be there for dad he needs you too. He doesn't say it but he loves you.
Be bold honey, take risks. Be yourself. Your kind, generous but don't let people take advantage of that. Do something that makes you feel alive. Don't make excuses, take every chance and make the most of it. Lifes to short and you'll soon find a peace within yourself you never knew was there.
Lots of love, your future self.
PS. Go easy on the makeup and wear sunscreen.

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