You're reading the title of this post thinking.. WOW this girl is arrogant. Give me a chance. Listen. Hopefully you'll understand.
In todays society everybody is so strung up on fitting in. Looking like one other, having perfectly sculpted bodies, newest gadgets and following the new fashion trends. But why? Why do people have such desire to look like one another and need such materialistic things. I'll tell you why, its classed as perfect. The perfect figure, The perfect life, The perfect reputation. The overall ideal look. But its bullshit. Why should we all look the same, there is absolutely no point in it. We might as well all have the same name, the same job. Shouldn't we? Why do you need the newest phone if your phone, which is last years model is perfectly fine? Why do you need them £100 trainers? I'm assuming you don't need them at all. You just want them. You want this because ultimately its classed as perfect. But you will strive after everything. Every trend, every new piece of tech and you will still not feel perfect. It's like your in a trap. If you just stopped and listened to yourself instead of everybody else maybe just maybe you would feel enough without having to adapt this ideal look.
Have you ever heard the saying ' Nobody's perfect because there will always be somebody better than you' That's wrong. Its a lie. If you are being the best version of yourself, If your just being you then there is nobody better or remotely as perfect as you. After all there's only one of you.
See I'm not one for fitting in. I never have been. I was born different I'm pretty sure I was. I have no desire to be like anyone else. I'm me and that's all I was ever meant to be. I'm here to write. To love. To care. To just be myself. To educate others. To just make a difference in the little time I will here on earth. But I know one thing. I'm perfect. You know why? Because I am the only one of me. There is not any body is the world that is exactly the same as me. Nobody has the same exact DNA. The same appearance, The same voice. Yes the might have some same views and ideas. But I'm the only me there is and if there's no other ME's to compare it to. I must be perfect.
I'm perfect because I accept myself for who I am and was meant to be.
I'm perfect even when I leave the tiny little bit of tea at the end of a cuppa.
I'm perfect even when I eat to quickly and always get the hiccups.
I'm perfect when I cry at a soppy movie.
I'm perfect even when I'm sarcastic.
I'm perfect when I am incapable of eating like an adult and spill everything down myself (toothpaste included)
I'm perfect when I'm angry and swear.
I'm perfect when I take to long to get ready.
I'm perfect because I am NEVER late.
I'm perfect even though I have some strange quirks.
I'm perfect ok.
And so are you.
( Oh and by the way. If they say your not, don't listen. )
Thanks for reading. Stay safe.
Love Amy x
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